Canyon Oaks Foot & Ankle

  • Fresno (559)436-8262
  • Visalia (559)627-2849
  • Porterville (559)781-0364

Instability in the ankles can be caused by a number of conditions. However, one of the most common causes of ankle weakness is suffering from an ankle sprain

If you are experiencing weak ankles due to a sprain or another cause, here are some exercises you can do at home to help strengthen them.

Exercises for Strengthening Weak Ankles

A daily routine of ankle strengthening exercises may help you fortify your ankles, promote stability, and increase balance. 

Try these ankle strengthening exercises: 

  • Write with your foot. – It may sound silly, but while you are sitting in a chair, lift your foot off the ground and start tracing out letters with your foot. Whether you go through the alphabet, your grocery list, or a verse from a song stuck in your head, it’s up to you! The important part is increasing your foot’s range of motion.

Challenge: Do this lying on your back with your foot in the air. 

  • Stretch with a towel or resistance band. – Sit on the floor and hold a towel with one end in each hand. Then, place your foot in the middle of the towel and extend your leg. From there, push your foot out as far as you can, keeping resistance on the towel, then bring your foot back. Repeat this motion 10-15 times. 

Challenge: Place the towel on the floor and try to lift it up with your foot. 

  • Stand on a pillow. – Place a pillow on the floor and stand on the pillow on one foot for as long as you can balance, working to increase the time you can stand on one foot over time. If need be, stabilize yourself by holding on to a piece of furniture or leaning on a wall.
    Challenge: Try doing this with your eyes closed to work further to increase your balance.

“Stretching exercises should be continued on a daily basis and especially before and after physical activities to help prevent reinjury. Even after your ankle feels better, continue with strengthening exercises and balance and control exercises several times a week to keep your ankles strong,” advises Healthwise via Michigan Medicine – University of Michigan’s website. 

Remember, each patient is different, so pay attention to your body. If you experience increased pain while performing any of the above exercises, do not continue with the exercise. As your ankles get stronger, you can modify the exercises as you go.

Should You Visit a Podiatrist for an Ankle Sprain? 

If you’ve sustained an ankle sprain, you may question the need to visit a podiatrist. While icing, elevation, and rest at home can promote healing, seeking professional help can go much further to ensure a more thorough rehabilitation process and prevent further injury. This is especially true if weak ankles are affecting your daily routine. 

“Without thorough and complete rehabilitation, the ligament or surrounding muscles may remain weak, resulting in recurrent instability. As a result, you may experience additional ankle injuries,” explains the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society

Yes, seeking the help of a foot and ankle doctor can give you access to a professional treatment plan, help get the pain under control, and aid in preventing a more serious injury from occurring in the future. 

Fresno Foot & Ankle Doctor

Start the healing process today by making an appointment at one of our Canyon Foot & Ankle clinics in Fresno, Porterville, or Visalia.