Canyon Oaks Foot & Ankle

  • Fresno (559)436-8262
  • Visalia (559)627-2849
  • Porterville (559)781-0364

What is Morton’s Neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma occurs in your foot when a nerve is damaged or inflamed. Many patients have said that it feels like having “marbles in the ball of your foot.”

 A neuroma is a benign tumor located on a nerve. While Morton’s neuroma is not a tumor, there is a thickening of tissue on the nerve that connects to the toes. 

It typically affects the space between your third and fourth toes. The thickening of the tissue can cause burning pain, or create your toes to feel numb. They may even begin to sting. 

Causes of Morton’s Neuroma 

Although this condition can result from several factors, Morton’s neuroma seems to typically develop from pressure on the nerves that lead to your toes. 

The leading cause of this pressure comes from wearing high heels. When high heels are worn often, the nerves in your feet are compressed and irritated. As a result of the repeated pressure on the nerve, it begins to thicken and cause irritation.

Another cause of Morton’s neuroma is abnormalities in your feet. These abnormalities may force your gait to change, resulting in pressure on your foot. 

Patients already diagnosed with flat feet, bunions, or hammertoes may be more likely to develop Morton’s neuroma. 


Patients suffering from Morton’s neuroma will not see any outward signs, as the tumor is benign. They must go off how they feel to assist in the diagnosis. 

An early sign of Morton’s is a tingling feeling in your feet that escalates over time. As stated earlier, you’ll feel as if you’re standing on a small rock or pebble in your shoe. 

The tingling feeling may then turn into a burning, stabbing, or shooting pain in your foot. While there will be no swelling in the foot, some patients have difficulty walking due to the intense pain.


If your foot pain has lasted longer than a few days, it may be time to see your local podiatrist. Your foot will be examined, and your doctor will inquire how and when your pain started. 

They will put pressure on the ball of your foot to try and locate the source of the pain. During this examination, they will also feel for the mass between your toes. Although most doctors can diagnose Morton’s through a physical exam, they may order additional testing to rule out other ailments. 

Types of Treatment 

Treatment for Morton’s neuroma will differ depending on the severity of your symptoms. If your pain has resulted from improper footwear, you will be advised to avoid high heels or any shoes that put pressure on the balls of your feet.

Orthotic shoe inserts can help by lifting the bones and separating them. This also works to reduce pressure on the nerve and promote healing. 

Visit our Canyon Oaks Office

If you think you or a loved one is suffering from Morton’s neuroma, don’t hesitate to come into our Visalia office. Fill out the form below, and a member of our staff will contact you within one business day.