Canyon Oaks Foot & Ankle

  • Fresno (559)436-8262
  • Visalia (559)627-2849
  • Porterville (559)781-0364

How healthy are your feet? You probably haven’t been asked that question very often. Many people don’t realize that the aches and pains you feel in your feet can indicate more severe health conditions.

All the toes of your feet are vital, but it might not surprise you that the big toe, known as the hallux, bears most of your bodyweight. Therefore, it’s common to develop different health conditions related to the big toe joint.

One of those conditions is known as Hallux Limitus.

What is Hallux Limitus?

Hallux Limitus is a condition in which the big toe joint becomes stiff. It results in the joint having a limited range of motion. When the condition worsens, causing a complete lack of movement, then it can be Hallux Rigdus.

Hallux Limitus can be either Functional Hallux Limitus (FHL) or Structural Hallux Limitus (SHL). FHL occurs when the pain appears as weight is placed on the foot during normal foot function, like standing and walking. SHL is the progression of the functional condition resulting in a structural deformity.

What Are The Causes And Symptoms of Hallux Limitus?

Hallux Limitus isn’t always caused by one specific thing. The most common cause of this condition is an abnormal alignment. Some people are born with a first metatarsal bone that elevates or is too long, which prevents the joint from properly functioning.

Aside from unusual foot anatomy, this disorder can also be caused by:

  • Certain types of arthritis. Arthritis disorders that change the movement or structure of your foot like Osteoarthritis.
  • Wrong footwear. Shoes that apply extra stress on your big toe joint, like high heels or shoes that don’t fit, can cause this condition.
  • Injury. Damaging the joint by spraining or breaking your big toe can lead to Hallux Limitus.

Any of these can lead you to experience various symptoms such as:

  • Pain
  • Central calluses
  • Bone spurs

What treatment options exist?

If Hallux Limitus is diagnosed early, one of the treatments includes an array of exercises applied to the big toe joint. Flexing, extending, and rotating the big toe can increase the range of motion and alleviate the pain during normal foot function.

Another option can be using shoes made specifically for people suffering from Hallux Limitus or Rigdus. These shoes have plenty of room in the toe area to reduce pressure, sturdy and inflexible soles to limit big toe joint movement of the big toe joint, and a rounded sole that controls motion while walking.

What about surgery? A procedure known as a cheilectomy is taken into consideration only when the symptoms are severe. It requires an incision to be made on the top of your foot to shave down bone spurs and remove part of the metatarsal bone.

Prevent Future Foot Conditions

Just as exercise can condition your body and help prevent the development of health problems, caring for your feet can also help prevent conditions like Hallux Limitus. 

If you aren’t sure why your foot is in pain, our professionals at Canyon Oaks Foot and Ankle will be glad to help. All you need to do is contact us, and we can answer all of your questions and help you enjoy healthier, pain-free feet.

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