Canyon Oaks Foot & Ankle

  • Fresno (559)436-8262
  • Visalia (559)627-2849
  • Porterville (559)781-0364

Whether from dropping a heavy box on them, stubbing them on the coffee table, or getting stomped on while playing soccer, there are countless ways to break our toes. 

What are the symptoms of a broken toe? If you suspect you have a fractured toe, what should you do? 

Symptoms of a Broken Toe 

Most broken toes result from trauma, such as the three examples above. Other fractures, known as stress fractures, are cracks within the bone that result from repetitive action, poor footwear choices, and other causes. 

If you think your toe is broken, check for these symptoms of a broken toe:

  • Persistent pain at the point of injury
  • Difficulty walking
  • Cracking or popping sound at the time of injury
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Throbbing
  • Damage or discoloration of the toenail 
  • Deformity or crookedness of the toe

When facing the possibility of a broken toe, many people opt for at-home treatment, including taping and pain medication. However, this may not be enough to heal the toe completely. 

Should I See a Doctor For a Broken Toe? 

While it may be tempting to ignore an injury to such a small body part, we recommend seeking medical attention within twenty-four hours for your broken toe.

There are different types of broken toes, all of which vary in severity. Some fractures are more serious, inflicting more pain, and meriting more immediate treatment than others. For example, if the broken bone protrudes from an open wound in the skin, this is an open fracture.

“Open fractures are particularly serious because, once the skin is broken, bacteria can enter the wound and cause infection in the bone. Immediate treatment is required to prevent infection,” explains the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Even closed fractures (fractures without an open wound) can inflict severe pain and lead to ongoing pain if left untreated. 

The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons warns, “Some people say that ‘the doctor can’t do anything for a broken bone in the foot.’ This is usually not true. In fact, if a fractured toe or metatarsal bone is not treated correctly, serious complications may develop.” 

Long-term complications may include arthritis, bone deformity, and chronic pain. If you suspect you have broken your toe, you should see a podiatrist. Your foot and ankle doctor will assess the fracture and map out a treatment plan to ensure a full recovery.

Depending on the injury, the fracture may recover with immobilization, icing, and rest. In other cases, corrective measures, including surgery and casting, may be necessary. 

Fresno Foot and Ankle Doctor

Canyon Oaks Foot & Ankle offers top-notch podiatric treatment to Fresno, Porterville, and Visalia residents. With our conservative approach, compassionate care, and years of experience, your feet are sure to be in good hands. 

If you have broken your toe, our team of specialists at Canyon Oaks Foot & Ankle will work hard to help you get back on your feet as soon and as safely as possible. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment at one of our clinics.  

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